How to Dress for Your Body Type
Humans come in all shapes and sizes, so how do you find clothes that are flattering your specific body type? The key is to know your proportions, and use fashion to accentuate your best features--and hide everything else! This article is aimed at women, but men can read How to Dress for Your Body Type (Men).
Steps:1.Identify your body type. One...
How to Get a Body Like Beyonce
In 2010, Beyonce Knowles won six Grammy Awards, setting a Grammy record.Not only does she have amazing musical talent but she also looks fabulous, has curves in the right places, and is nicely toned. For some, she even has "the perfect body". If her shape and appearance inspire you, here are some steps that will help you get in shape like Beyonce.
How to Make Hair Grow Long Faster
Long hair is...
Efficient? No. Sport friendly? Definitely not. Totally amazing and gorgeous? You know it! But hair only grows (on average) about a half inch a month, so to get the lengthy tresses you desire, it could take awhile... This guide should help speed up the process a little bit. Note: This article includes pretty much everything to make...
How to Have Amazing Hair
When you walk into a room, are you one of the people everyone turns towards to admire your beautiful hair? If you are, you’re lucky! If not, join the club. Very few people have amazing hair. Here are a variety of ways, both quick and tedious, to get hair that everyone will admire.
1.Keep your hair clean. How often you should wash your hair...